Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can you tell me how the birds and the bees make babies please?

it is all 2 do with the birds and bee's carrying pollen to impregnate another flower creating a seed to grow into another beautiful flower!

basically like the the way the sperm gets to the egg in the semen!Can you tell me how the birds and the bees make babies please?
...surely cross breeding of a bird and bee is impossible..........unless i muck about with their denim jeans......i heard that pinstripe jeans are all the rage now.......Can you tell me how the birds and the bees make babies please?
I knew a bird who got stung by a bee..and her boyfriend stayed over night and they kissed...and a few months later..she had a bigger turned out to bee a baby..

so there you have it....:-}
they pollinate plants. they don't actually do it
and how old are you?
You really need to go ask your mother or father. get the true story from them and honest answer.
I don't know about bees but because male birds don't have penises The male bird mounts the female and matches up their cloacas .The sperm then travels up to fertilize the eggs.
Just hang around P%26amp;S, and you will quickly learn everything you need to know! It has corrupted me LOL
not without your parents written consent %26amp; two major credit cards. [ have a star good question]
the stork is the postman of nature...*wink*wink*

ask your mom and dad they know the answer
It would be a lot easier if I had puppets to work with. I feel naked without my naked puppets. And that's the naked truth.
this is a ridiculous question!!!!!!!Ask your mom or dad
Cross-polination. Google it...:)
They order them on the internet site Babies R 'Us and they are shipped here from Tunisa.
Intelligent Design, I Think....!!
no idea mate, ******* complicated stuff..... :)
The bee sting the bird in the A**...,
I don't know either. People have tried to explain it to me numerous times, but it just goes in one ear and out the other.

Ted once got as far as ';When a man and a Lady are very much in love, then ...'; before I stopped listening.

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