Friday, December 11, 2009

What are the psychological differences between a bee and a wasp?

Bees are more upbeat and jovial. Wasps are often depressed and anxious.What are the psychological differences between a bee and a wasp?
I think you must mean physical differences? The one that matters to most people is that bees have barbed stingers that pull out when they sting, taking the bee's internal organs with it and killing the bee. Wasps have smooth stingers and can sting repeatedly. Also, bees have hairy bodies, wasps have smooth bodies. There are others, but they get pretty technical.What are the psychological differences between a bee and a wasp?
I've never sat them down on a tiny little couch and asked them about their mothers, so I couldn't really tell you!

';Tell me about your queen ... Did you have a happy larvae-hood?';

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