Friday, December 11, 2009

Best way to reduce the swelling of a bee sting?

I got stung yesterday right above my knee and since then it has turned a good 6 inches of my leg red and swollen and it is difficult to walk any suggestions on what i should do?Best way to reduce the swelling of a bee sting?
Try rubbing toothpaste all over your knee and in the area where the bee stung you. Since this happened yesterday it might take all of the redness out, next time try doing this immediately it works magic.Best way to reduce the swelling of a bee sting?
1. Rubbing a wet aspirin on the area where you were stung can help neutralize some of the inflammatory agents in the venom

2. Make a paste with meat tenderizer and water and apply it to the sting

3. baking soda can help ease bee sting pain


You have trouble breathing, tightness in the throat or chest, dizziness, nausea or other symptoms of serious allergic reaction.

Swelling spreads to a large area-for example, your entire arm swells, or a large section of the trunk puffs up.

Pain and swelling continue for more than 72 hours without any relief.
Immediately after a bee sting, you should put a cold compress on it for about 15 minutes or so. Topical hydrocotrisone help for symptomatic relief. You may also want to try Benadryl. Check to see if there is a black dot in the wound. If there is, it is part of the stinger. You can use a credit card to scrape across the skin to remove it. Oral medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help with any discomfort you may feel. You can apply solution of 1 part meat tenderizer to 4 parts water. The active ingredient in meat tenderizer breaks down protein in bee venom that causes pain and itching. Be sure to leave on no longer than 30 minutes because extended periods of time will cause further skin irritation. Local reactions larger than 3 inches in diameter may persist for up to 1 week. If the reaction continues to spread, see your physician. Some symptoms are evident of a severe, life-threatening reaction. They include: hives, swelling elsewhere on the body, hoarseness, dizziness, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. Seek immediate medical care with any of these symptoms.
Speak to your doctor to be ont he safe side.

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