Just answer the questions as they are asked. example- Where do babies come from? Mommy's and daddies make babies together. Mommy keeps the baby in her tummy for nine months and then the doctor helps mommy get the baby out. Keep the answers simple. Explain more as the child gets older and asks more questions. Making things to technical is not necessary at five. Answering questions now will make talking to the child about sex easier as they get older.I want to know how to explain the brids and the bees to a 5 year old?
Kudos for wanting to explain. If your child is asking explain appropriately to their age, don't over explain. Just don't ignore the questions, answers will be better coming from you not someone uninformed.
Why? Five is too young for that. If your child asks, then tell him, but don't give him/her every detail.
rushing things a bit arent we?????
Just the basics not any more than they ask. Boys and girls grow up and when they are older they get married then they have babies, the baby grows in mommies tummy then the doctor helps her have the baby. Just REALLY basic, don't go into the whole deal about sex and stuff. Only talk to your 5 year old about this if they ask, otherwise wait untill they're older.
you shouldn't. 5 is too young, wait until he or she gets older like 10 or 12
why to a 5 year old little to young don't ya think?
Well I think five is too young.
You don't. If he/she has a question, be sure your understand the question and then answer it. If it leads to more questions, you answer those. Don't volunteer any more than asked about. Kids have built-in filters that keep them from exposing themselves to any more than they're ready to know about.
Don't fall into this trap: Little Johnny asked his dad where he came from, and after an hour lecture on sex, Dad asked Johnny if that answered his question, and Johnny said, ';I don't know. Stevie said he came from Cleveland.';
Just answer their questions as they come.
my 6 yr old asked my 9 yr old how babies are made.
his answer
mom and dad get it on
i heard this and couldnt help but laugh but then my 6 yr old didnt have any other questions along that line.
Just keep it simple and do not go into detail about the reproductive cycle of the human anatomy. That is a little too much information on what a five year old can handle and at that age they are a little too young to be knowing the full details.
You could say something like: ';Daddies and mommies fall in love, (get married), and have a baby/family.'; or ';See those birds over there? That's a daddy and mommy bird. They fell in love and now they have some chicks (baby birds) to take care of';.
Each year you could tell a little more and more as your child grows older. For now, just stick to the basics and you will do fine.
If the child has not asked then don't say i think they are toooo young, but if they ask give them the basics.
When mummy and daddy love each other and they decide to have a baby mummy gets pregnant and baby grows in mummys tummy and then you have a baby.
Thats a little too young.Wait until they are 9 or 10.
maybe five is a little to young. you might want to wait a couple years.....just my opinion.
Don't. These things come natural and there's no need to put yourself in a situation of difficulty like this. And there's no need for a 5 year old to know this anyway. At age 5 as soon as he hears all the details he will tell everybody he sees and you will have a situation on your hands when everybody he tells goes to there moms and dads and blabs to them all the details of sex. Then phone calls come in and you have angry parents.
Eventually your child will figure these things out, schools offer sex education courses or a local doctor will come in and explain these things to class's in about 6th grade. So just let them remain a kid a little longer, tell them about the stork or use the its when two adults kiss alot gig. But there's really no need at all for a 5year old to know these things.
You don't. You wait until they are older and then they can learn.
The general rule for teaching children this age is to honestly answer their questions, but not to provide more information than they ask for. If you always follow your child's lead and are not embarassed when they come to you with questions, you can allow your child to grow at his/her own pace.
The only thing most 5 year olds need to know is that babies come from mommies tummies, and daddies help them get there... and maybe that boys and girls privates are different, that's what makes them boys and girls.
Just blame the kid on the stork, worked for my parents until I got wise enough to use the dictionary
You probably should'nt be having this talk with a five yr. old, but if the child is asking question, then you wanna keep communication open! Be real general, ... mommy %26amp; daddy fell in love and daddy ....etc. etc. wait till the child is 9 or 10 to start using medical terms!
Doesn't seem like a 5 year old will understand. I know my 5 year old won't
Too young.
My 6 year old thinks you buy babies at ';Babies R Us';.
For now, I'm content to let him think that.
WELL, you buy toys at ';Toys R Us';! At least he's showing that he can apply logic!
it's birds...if you can't spell it...how can you explain it. They have books that can help you in most books stores. Otherwise I'd take parenting classes if you can't speak to your child/children in a manner they will understand.
Do you really need to? The baby grows in mommies tummy. Kids are full of questions, it will probably be forgotten by morning.
dude you do it with a dildo and a fake butt hole lol jk man you dont
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