Friday, December 11, 2009

I'm teaching my son about the birds and bees...?

... he brought up the question ';can you catch an STD orally'; meaning if he recieved oral from a girl that had something. To be honest, I didnt quite know the answer as to what the odds would be. Any help parents?I'm teaching my son about the birds and bees...?
The best way to approach this situation I think is to be honest with your son. Tell him yes that it is possible to get a STD from oral sex.. I would let him know that risks of starting sexual relationships..but don't scare him away..Let him be man enough to make his own choice as to whether or not to have sex, orally or otherwise. Kids sometimes surprise us with their good common senses. Let him know that you trust he will make the right choices when it comes to sex.I'm teaching my son about the birds and bees...?
when a son ask that........throw the birds and bees out the window and set down and be honest with him......

deceases can be transmitted through blood and saliva.....

as a child riding a bike, does he not wear protection against falls and mishaps..........STD are more common then we would like to think...........tell your son that with never gamble with it........unlike money, you can never get life back......never...........BE VERY CAREFULL WHO YOU DECIDE TO LAY WITH..........
Yea, jay, You can. Isn't you son 9 months old. What have you been doing to ask this question?
just tell him yes and u should like give him a book
tell him yes. herpes (cold sore) can be transferred as a genital herpes virus.
I would admit that you are unsure and suggest that either you will research it or you and your son could research it together. Also this is a good opportunity to tell your son about not having sex to early, etc.

You should feel very proud that your son feels confident enough to come to you with this question.
ya you can get gonnorhea and herpes and basically anything

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