in the middle of the a's and c'sWhere did Noah keep the bees on the Ark?
People neglect the details of the Bible. The Bible says that there were two animals of every kind, or sort depending on the translation you read. There weren't bees, ants, and wasps, there were most probably two insects that evolved into the different insects. There were no kitties, tigers, lions, and jaguars, there were a male and a female feline. No Zebras, donkeys, quarter horses, and giraffes, just a set of equines. The same with canines, primates, (other than humans), and the rest. That's why you can't find the inbetween stages of evolution, like the part chicken part reptile or whatever. Wow, just got the joke too. now I feel like a tool:^(
They were in a little jar, just like all of the other insects were. They were tiny little jars that God gave Noah
Edit: You thought I was serious? LOL I was thinking one male and female of every kind of bug on the face of the earth in tiny little jars. I just thought the idea was funny. Sorry, I have a lot of Monty Python in my repertoire.
I know it's a joke, but the official answer from any halfway clever Creationist is that Noah didn't take any insects with him. Get ready for it. You'll love this one.
God commanded Noah to take seven of every clean animal that breathes through its nostrils, and two of every unclean animal that breathes through nostrils, onto the ark and keep them.
Insects don't breathe through nostrils. They breathe through a series of spiracles interspersed through their carapace... so, Noah didn't take any insects on the ark with him. Duh. Isn't that a clever answer? Ugh.
What I want to know is where he kept two of every whale and dolphin since he WAS commanded to take them with him (they breathe through nostrils, after all). There might arguably be enough room to stuff the terrestrial animals (not really, but let's go with it), but where on the ark did he come up with the room for two blue whales, then two humpback whales, then two sperm whales, then two baleen whales, etc, etc, etc?
Just the blue whales are each nearly a fifth the size of the entire ark. With that much water on board, how did the thing not capsize and sink?
bee's are insects :: not animals :: if this particular story is true :: it's not necessarily accurate: as the bible has many times been altered by man :: the region where noah was may not have had very many animals
:irreligious believer:
What about the fish?
I mean, what was the water? Fresh or Salt?
Edit: Yes, SOME of the fish weren't in danger. There are fresh water fish and salt water fish, not all of them are going to survive unless one kind is held.
man I wish he had forgotten about those buggers because I am allergic and so is my daughter. Why would anyone in their right mind save bees, unless they were bumblies or honeybees. the rest are just down right vicious swarming bees that kill.
I don't know, but nobody wanted to be out in the exercise yard when they were buzzing about.
um, i'm gonna assume there was a hive somewhere aboard. And in response to the one who asked about fish..... it was a flood.... they weren't really in any danger.
god wasn with noah so THE BEES didnt STing gim
Hah, i love the first answer, BUT, i must say, how could he forget the clang of the symbols!??!?
In the same section as all the other quadrupeds...
Next to the Stingrays.
That's all the buzz ya know.
Man, I can't believe no one got that. It's a little sad.
The Ark Hives, people...
*drum crash*
Serious answer ;| in a hive
What about the floating animals like ducks and geese?
:) That was cute.
He had to have a place for every living thing..
On the B-Deck! ;)
In their hive silly!!
Good One!
that is really funny :)
away from the birds and near the flowers
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