Friday, December 11, 2009

How did the setting of The Secret Life of Bee's effect the novel?

Let's say if the story was taken place in a different location... how would it not be the same story. Racism was a very big deal during the setting in this book. How do you think the setting effected the characters?How did the setting of The Secret Life of Bee's effect the novel?
Like Danny said above me, it was set in the South. If the novel had been set in the North, the racism wouldn't be as blatant or harsh. Also, if you look at the setting as being the Boatwright house, it helped the main character (can't remember her name! arg) to grow up away from her father.How did the setting of The Secret Life of Bee's effect the novel?
It was set in the South, where racism tends to be more prominent, especially during that time period. Also, it is warmer in the South, making it easier to raise bees.

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