Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How do I kill a bee hive in the trunk of my olive tree?

Try first calling a local beekeeper. Maybe the bees can be captured and put to work producing honey for him.How do I kill a bee hive in the trunk of my olive tree?
A can of raid and fast running legs. If that doesn't work call the exterminators.How do I kill a bee hive in the trunk of my olive tree?
throw olives at it. and then cover it in olive oil.
spray it with Aqua-Net hair spray. It's so sticky that they it seals the hive and if you spray the bees with it they can't fly cause the hairspray is so sticky it hardens their wings.

this looks like some good advice, look here!

Good luck! Don't get stung!
get the big can of hornet killer that foams. then you spray it into the inside of the nest so it foams up. it'll kill them in like seconds. but it's easier to do it at night when they're sleeping. if it's cool out they won't react as fast. wear jeans and long sleeves and you can wrap something around the ends of your sleeves.. if u're really nervous and there's a lot of them swarming around there put a paper mask on your face so they don't go in your nose. just relax and get that foam in there and it's done.
Use hornet/wasp killer that foams.

I use Ortho Foaming Hornet and Wasp killer. It shoots 20 ft. and foams up creating a barrier or sticks them up so that the buggers can't all come out and get me.
call the city. They will need to remove it properly. If they are africanized bees they can kill you.
Bees are beneficial to olives, or any other blooming plant.. If they are not killers , i'd keep them. If you must move them, you can use a smoker to drive them out, steal the honey comb, and then seal up the hole with wood filler..
don't put gasoline b/c it light up the trees

you should put poison to kill tem

it's more secure

mask yourself
call an exterminator.
Listen man NEVER NEVER NEVER use gasoline in a controlled burn. These people are complete morons. Diesel, yes. Used motor oil, even better.

Bees hate smoke. They will not die, but move on. Then you can hack the hive apart and maybe use some arborist tar on it.

And don't start a fire in summer unless you have all kinds of rain that day. And then only cautiously, as it's probably illegal.

cover it with gasoline or kerosene....and light it....
Fuuckk bees.
Actually, soapy water will instantly knock the bees down and drown them. Get a car washing hose attachment and put 'Dawn' dish soap in it, practice a little to get a good soapy mix, and then hose them down. It works great, and it is not harmful at all to the environment (except for the bees and other bugs). With the wet soap on their wings the bees instantly cannot fly. You will be totally safe.
Don't kill Bees, they are non aggressive %26amp; make honey, as well as making all the flowers grow. Smoke them and they will leave, get a pro in to do it.

Wasps on the other hand, pour petrol on them and let em burn!

Oh yeah, many types of bees are now so rare they are facing extinction, please leave them alone.
Hit it with a stick.
Stick your rear end flush against the hive hole and pass gas. One shot from you and the hive will pack up and move.
Set it on fire.
I agree with whomever said to call a beekeeper. Some bees can be very aggressive (even killer), so calling in a pro will guarantee that you don't harm yourself or others.
very carefully. I've heard gasoline and a match works.
Get a professional beekeeper to come and retrieve the hive. They might even pay you for it. You better check with the laws of your state. It is illegal in most states to kill bees. We need them to pollinate our flowers and some of our food. You should never kill a bee.
Wait till it's completely dark outside then go dump some gasoline on them.

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