Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are bees really too fat to fly? according to the bee movie, they are.?

If you listened, they said ';theoretically'; they shouldn't be able to fly. Their weight measured against the amount of wing area and speed with which their wings move makes it mathematically impossible - that is, if man created a machine with the exact same parameters it would never fly.

This just means nature knows something man doesn't.Are bees really too fat to fly? according to the bee movie, they are.?
According to basic steady state aerodynamics a bee should theoretically not be able to fly. There are alot of problems with this though. First a bee flys with continuously flapping wings, and these wings flex as they flap as well. This means that basic steady state aerodynamic theories are not accurate. If you use aerodynamic principals for moving wings and add in wing flexing you will find that theoretically a bee can fly. So in the end whether bees can fly or not depends on the theories you want to use, but in reality bees can fly without any theory problems.Are bees really too fat to fly? according to the bee movie, they are.?
No. When they are planning to leave the hive and create a new one is when they swarm. They then gorge themselves on honey, send out scouts, and find a new place to live. They hang around on trees and things to check out the area and you may see the football shape of thousands of bees together bees.

At this time they are too fat to sting!

But they are never too fat to fly.
It's actually a complex mathematical equation

Bees + Wings = Fly
heck NO!! You see big old fat bumble bees flying around and you ask THIS question?? I mean I guess it makes sense, but no that's not true! lol
I don't think they are because they have no trouble flying in real life. F.Y.I. cartoons aren't real. -_-
have you ever seen a flyig bee? I have.

I think it's just the queen bee.
They fly just fine.
if thats true then how can they fly
lol no but with some exceptions
i guess some of them are

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