Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do you remove a bee sting if its under the skin?

my brother just came in crying because he stepped on a bee and it stung him. i checked and there was a red dot and it must of been the sting, but it looks like its hidden in the skin.

how do i remove it or eliminate his pain?How do you remove a bee sting if its under the skin?
If the stinger is still in, you will see a black pointed object, gently scrap it away and then make a paste of baking soda and water to put on the area. It will help the pain and will help pull the bee venom out.

Have your brother elevate his foot while the paste is working.

Good luck and I hope your brother feels better soon,

TexHow do you remove a bee sting if its under the skin?
Put ice on it. If you think the stinger is still in there boil a needle, let it cool and then try to remove it...you should probably wait for an adult.
Try to scrap it off with something hard like a credit card. The pain should go away quickly.

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